Chapter 9
Précis: Due to industrialization and the centralized system of food processing, feedlots, slaughter houses, and meat grinders have caused more food borne diseases which are occurring more today than ever before and the long term aliments are more serious then centuries ago. In 1997 there was a mass recall of hamburgers due to the E. coli 0157:H7 virus. 35 million pounds were recalled but by the time the recall was issued 25million pounds had already been consumed. E. coli 0157:H7 has mostly affected children because children are the number one consumer of hamburgers, being sickened by 0157:H7 results in diarrhea, cramps, fever, vomiting and possible death. Feed lots allow for the growth and survival of the pathogen due to the improper precautions and care of the animals. Slaughterhouses also cause the pathogen to spread more easily if the if E. coli infected intestines brake open onto the animal then anything the worker or that animal touches gets infected with the pathogen. The assembly line definitely benefits the transmission of the pathogen. In the past the ground beef was local so if it was contaminated it would only infect those in a small radius of the origin, but today not only is it difficult to find the origin but meat can be coming from hundreds of miles away. The mass production and distribution of contaminated meat is irreversible, in fact one infected cow can contaminate 32,000 pounds of beef. Meat factories constantly deny that they are responsible for any existing problems when it comes to food borne illness. The slaughter houses were actually given the responsibility to inspect their own meats, but this is hardly done due to the amount of will power amongst managers, the effects of food poisoning don’t affect the corporations in a large enough scale to force the managers to keep cleanliness. The industries companies are in denial about food issues, the process to make everything regulation would only take 6 months and raise prices a penny per pound of meat, but they lack the determination. When an outbreak occurs the USDA doesn’t give specific information to the public, nor does the meat packing industry. The focus for eliminating the growth of pathogens and bacteria has been to destroy them after they have already infected the animal and cuts of meat, this allows the industry to ignore the fundamental problems. But it would be more efficient to solve the problem at the roots by changing the way the animals are fed, raised, stored, and killed. The USDA who is assumed to be protecting the public is actually contributing to the food borne illnesses by purchasing the most contaminated meats for the school lunch program. As if the slaughter house isn’t enough reason to worry about what’s in or on your, hamburger, bacon or chicken nuggets the staff preparing it behind the counter has extremely poor hygiene. Happy eating.
Gems: The numerous plans that are created have no effect if the managers of the slaughterhouses don’t take them and used them in their factories. It’s a waste of resources if there is no enforcement in meat packing industry. All of the participants in the meat packing industry are constantly being bought out, whether if it’s faster production or paying off politicians.
Thoughts: I think votes should be taken from the public and the public should be allowed to decide whether they are willing to sacrifice a few dollars to ensure they won’t eat possibly lethal meat. I think that the FDA needs to play a bigger role in the meat packing industry maybe there should even be a separate organization for just meat packing, employee safety, and the treatment of the animals. I am not sure if it would ease my mind to know that the animal I was eating had a happy life or not, I think a major issue is I don’t think about the animal’s life, I am not sure if I even see it as having been alive.
chapter 10
Précis: Fast food chains have moved overseas to a ton of other countries. In order to reduce fears of American imperialism the companies attempt to buy as much food as possible from the country they operate out of. Children are the target market in all the countries that fast food companies operate in. Many children in other countries look to the American culture as an example of what they should value, eat, listen to, and wear. But America has become the most obese nation in the world; we have also broken the record for the speed at which it took. Fast food portions are constantly being super sized doubling or tripling the grams of fat and past promotions to introduce healthy dishes have failed. Obesity is causing 280,000 deaths a year, and annual health care costs are increasing as well as lose weight quick schemes. In many foreign countries American fast food restaurants have been looted, attacked, burnt down and destroyed by rioters and people who disagreed with the McDonalds principles. In 1990 McDonalds sued Greenpeace volunteers for distribution leaflets that contained information that, if believed by the public, would tarnish the McDonalds name. The Greenpeace volunteers were sued for 40,000 Euros but McDonalds dropped the charges hoping to ease bad publicity.
Gems: ”The annual heath care costs in the United States stemming from obesity now approach $240 billion; on top of that Americans spend more than $33 billion on various weight loss schemes and diet products.” The people of the United States are becoming more and more obese, and instead of fixing their eating habits or changing their children’s eating habits they are ignoring the roots of the issue and are attempting to fix it with diets or drugs or weight loss meals, all these are expensive and unlikely to make one healthier. It’s the same approach that the slaughterhouses use when it comes to sanitizing their meats. Instead of feeding the cattle grass while they are growing and keeping them sanitary the industry ignores that issue and waits till the meat is already contaminated to add ammonia and other chemicals onto the meat.
Thoughts: The whole section about Las Vegas doesn’t really connect for me. I understand that he is talking about illusions and false joy, and how the convention symbolizes how the victors get to celebrate and have the last laugh but I don’t understand what the purpose of talking about all that was. Maybe he’s saying that they hold fast food conferences with famous powerful managers but don’t get anything done they are just celebratory meetings for how successful the fast food industry is?
Précis: Conway’s Red Top and In-and-Out are perfect examples of eating fast food that hasn’t caused others as much pain. The employees are long time and often the owner’s family, they are educated and the meats are at a lower rise for containing pathogens. If fast food advertising targeted to children were banned then the obesity rate would decrease, because kids would not be as exposed to it. It is so difficult to regulate the United States food safety system because it is managed by twelve different government organizations; each organization has different jurisdictions so it is very complicated to have each group work together to solve the food safety issues. The organizations need to merge and the fines and punishments for breaking food safety and labor laws need to be harsher. If the public choose to boycott a product of the fast food industry the company would change it to fit the public’s needs.
Gems: “the fast food chains insist that the suppliers follow strict specifications regarding the sugar content, fat content, shape, size taste and texture of their products. The chains could just as easily enforce a strict code of conduct governing the treatment of workers, ranchers and farmers” (268)
Thoughts: Food served in school cafeterias should be healthier then what is sold at fast food restaurants. Lower income children are typically eating school lunch the fact that the meat and meals aren’t as healthy as fast food industries automatically targets children of less affluent households to be obese or unhealthy, against their will. Also its interesting that the whole book basically explains that the monopolization of the fast food and meat packing and farming industry has caused the problems but then its says that the problems could be solved better if the government system designed to regulate the industries were grouped together.