As far as I know nothing about birth was hidden from me as a child. My mother was working as a mid wife from 1993 to 2002. Along with my momma being a mid wife several of my friends mothers were also mid wives, so pictures of births and birthing dolls and learning interments were usually visible and assessable to play with, around the house. I don’t know if I think birth is purely beautiful or horrendous, there are certainly aspects that are remarkable like the experience of seeing your baby for the first time. But there is also physical pain, and fear that there could possibly be complications. I guess after all the time and energy invested in preparing for the baby the woman feels although it’s her responsibility to make sure they can handle giving birth. They possibly feel pressured as if they have a choice to give birth or not and they may chicken out, even though that is not the case.
Along with birth I think pregnancy has its miraculous times and its ugly times. Morning sickness certainly can’t be good at all! Whereas maybe the realization that your pregnant could be delightful (of course that is for those who are expecting.) I think no matter how much someone studies birth they won’t really understand or feel any strong connection unless they can experience pregnancy and birth if for themselves. I therefore think that most women who have experienced it have a much better idea of the feelings/emotions and stresses that are involved. On the contrary that doesn’t mean that all women who have given birth understand what is actually happening physically as well as men do.
-What are the different physiological sates that women go through when pregnant and how do they affect labor delivery and postpartum?
-How necessary is medical intervention when giving birth? (In order to have a healthy baby and mother)
-How important is diet and nutrition in birth outcomes?
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